
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Limitations of Ab Machines

The world is filled with ab machines which are sold with extravagant and mind boggling claims. When you look at the infomercials, it seems as if the way to get flat abs or even a six pack is to pick up the phone, order the last machine you saw on TV, have it delivered, use it for a few minutes a day and you will have flat abs. What can be simpler?

Well, the truth is not so bright. Ab machines are not as effective as they may seem on TV. As you can see in various Ab Circle Pro reviews and those of other machines such as the Ab Rocket or the Ab Coaster, these machines have various limitations:

1. Using an abs machine may not be more effective than doing regular stomach exercises. In fact, I suspect that you can get a better ab workout using nothing more than a mat, and save a lot of money in the process.

2. You won't be burning a lot of calories doing an abdominal workout. The truth is that ab exercises are simply not too calorie expensive. If you want to get rid of abdominal fat, you need to increase your calories burn rate. This will likely happen faster with other forms of training.

3. If you expect to burn belly fat by doing ab exercises, with a machine or without one, you may be heading for a long wait. You can't burn fat from just one body part. Doing stomach exercises won't burn off belly fat. Your body burns fat in general, never from a specific place.

All in all, most ab machines are not a good investment money-wise. You'd be better off doing full body workouts to get rid of belly fat.