The weight loss process can be accelerated by several simple tips. One of them involves chopsticks, specifically, eating with them. Most people eat when they're hungry or can even develop a huge hunger when food is placed before them.
Eating when you're hungry can be very bad for you. Why? Because when we're hungry we tend to eat everything very quickly, devouring whatever is on our plate in no time. The problem is that it takes our body awhile to realize that it has been fed and to stop sending out hunger signals. Because we continue to feel hungry, we end up eating more than we should and pack on the extra pounds.
Another thing that happens when we eat too much too quickly is that our body is stuffed and has difficulty to digest our food as efficiently as it should. More of our food goes undigested, we turn more calories into fat tissue and we even feel so tired that there's no chance of any physical activity that evening.
A cool way to avoid this problem is eating with chopsticks. First, cut your food into small pieces, then eat them with chopsticks. Unless you're a chopstick expert, you'll eat your food more slowly, you'll finish your portion feeling that you had all that you need and won't have any cravings left. You'll digest your food better and have more energy for exercising. I know it can become a little frustrating, but give it a try. Eating slowly even makes the food taste better.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an advocate of safe dieting and fitness.
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